
Birdwatching tourism is a new form of nature tourism in which watching birds is the main activity. This tendency of ecotourism is gaining followers and Calp wants to bet for this sector, for here we have one of the best habitats to watch birds: wetlands.

The salt marshes in Calp next to the sea cliffs and the mountain ranges of the Penyal d' Ifac or the Morro de Toix, as well as the Sierra de Oltà, allow the birdwatching enthusiasts to contemplate a wide range of species, some of them of a considerable interest for foreign birdwatchers, for they are exclusive Mediterranean species.

For this reason, from the Department of Tourism of Calp's Town Council they have edited a guidebook offering birdwatching enthusiasts four different routes with the most frequent specimens in each environment, as well as the months in which they can be seen. The document also includes a set of rules for the expert birdwatcher pointing out that the well being of the birds is one of the most important things.

At Calp's salt marshes, where there are a total of 173 registered species both nesting and migratory birds, flamingos stand out, for its population depending on the season may reach hundreds of specimens. Other birds not to be missed are the black-winged stilt, the grey heron, the common moorhen, the Kentish plover, the water rai and the Eurasian coot, and even species in a delicate situation such as the marble duck or the common shelduck.

Regarding the marine protected area of the Peñón de Ifac, its cliffs offer a nesting spot to birds such as the Peregrine falcon and the common swift, and offer shelter to the scarce European shag. At the Morro de Toix, particular species such as the Alpine swift, the blue rock thrush or the black wheatear can be found. All this bird wealth is what they want to promote, betting for an eco-friendly tourism that respects the environment.