
From March 14th, both Calpe Tourist Information Offices TOURIST INFO CALPE CENTRO (Mosquit Square) and TOURIST INFO CALPE PEÑÓN (Ejércitos Españoles Ave.), will be indefenetely closed to the public due to the recommendations of the Health Ministry and the Spanish Government, and the Universal Health Council (Region of Valencia), as a preventive mesure in aim to limit the spread of the Co-vid 19. The workers of the tourism board will work as usual in their offices. That means that we will keep offering the tourist information service in our website, our social networks Facebook (/calpetouristinfo), Twitter (@Turismocalp) and Instagram (@calpeturismo), and trough our email adress

We will also be available in our telephone numbers in the following schedules:

The telephone number +34 96 583 85 32 will be available from Monday to Friday, from 8h to 15h

The telephone number +34 96 583 69 20 will be available from Monday to Friday, from 9h to 16h, and on Saturdays from 10h to 14:30h

Thank you for your understandig. It is extremely important to have a responsible behaviour, following the recommendatios of the authorities, in order to finish with this situation as soon as possible.