
CORREOS , the national postal service of Spain, has presented in the renovated post office of Calp the postmark dedicated to the Penyal d’Ifach. Among the attendants to the presentation event were the Director of the CORREOS’ office, Jesús Alonso, the council member of Tourism, Jan Van Parijs, and the Director of the Penyal d’Ifach natural reserve, Guillermo Sendra Guardiola, as well as the President of the Philatelic Association of Calp, José Ivars.

Once the postmark was presented, the director of Calp’s post office showed the town’s renovated office to those present, since during the last few months it has been updated to the new model “Tu Correos” (Your Correos).

After the postmark presentation, the first letters with the stamp dedicated to this natural reserve were sent. Thanks to this postmark, the image of this recognized enclave will be able to travel around the world also through the postal network.

The postmark has been designed so that stamp collectors and clients are able to send their deliveries with the postmark’s motif, the town of origin and the date in which it was sent. In addition, it will be permanently available in Calp’s postal office for anyone wishing to use it when bringing their parcels or letters to be sent.

Touristic postmarks are part of a campaign started by CORREOS in 2015. Since then, several postmarks have been created to collaborate spreading images of locations and emblematic festivities from different towns through posted items.

Postmarks were born when franking fees were eliminated, but they have acquired a different value throughout the years due to their relevant impact in stamp collecting, since their stamp represented great developments, values and achievements of our society, reinforced by the image and presence of the CORREOS’ stamp.