
As of Monday, March 1, these will be the new measures that will be applied in the Valencian Community.
They will be in force for at least 14 days.

-Social or family gatherings in private places: They are limited to the same nucleus of coexistence

-Public spaces: closed or outdoors: Family or social gatherings are limited to a maximum of four people.

- Restaurants: Open until 6 in the afternoon. There can be up to four people per table.

-Closing of shops at 8pm. Except for food establishments, pharmacies and essentials.

-Night lockdown from 10pm.

-Perimeter confinement of the Valencian territory. Only properly justified trips will be authorized.

-You can practice sports in open sports facilities, without contact and, maximum, in groups of 4 people. Except for professional athletes.

The perimeter of municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants will be eliminated as of the first weekend of March. 

Medidas Covid