
The Town Council's plenary has approved the Plan Director Calp DTI, an ambitious project with the aim to turn Calp, in 5 years' time, in a touristic destination which is especially technological, but which goes even further, for the ultimate objective is to try to turn Calp in a more sustainable town through technology. This plan provides a continuity to the Touristic Promotion and Diversification approved in 2015 and to the investigation project on intelligent touristic destinations led by the University of Alicante for which Calp is a show destination.

The plan considers five main lines of action: innovation with initiatives from the support of the brand to the creation of the tourist office of the 21st century, accessibility with projects to improve physical and digital accessibility and open access to touristic details, sustainability and governability, with citizen participation actions, revision of the touristic strategy or generation of the municipal service letters.

The technological lines of action include information and marketing, with digital poster systems, a centre for touristic bookings, the improvement of the spreading platform of Calp, etc, and  the connectivity, sensorisation and the data capture, with boards of touristic control, smart signs or several tools for data capture.

This last element is especially important, for it provides the tools to know the electricity or water consumption rate or the waste generation rate, and also to know the density of traffic or the noise map, and this way achieve a more sustainable touristic management.

After approving the Plan, there is now an open participation process for politicians and citizens to get the plan to be agreed upon and which has had the participation of all the agents implied in the local touristic development.

In today's plenary, all the municipal groups have approved the proposal presented by the Socialist Municipal Group of institutional statement of rejection to the national budget of 2017 due to the marginalisation of the Valencian Community.

All the groups also agreed to request the project of the footbridge of the N332 to be included in the national budget. In addition, all the groups with the exception of Gent de Calp, have supported the proposal of the Municipal Group Sí se puede Calp to promote social homes in the town.