
Jet2com, the second most important travel agency in the United Kingdom, expects to triple the amount of British tourists getting to Calpe in 2017 to meet the demand in this market.That is what they have told to the council member of the Department of Tourism of Calp, Jan van Parijs, during a workshop in Leeds, where the headquarters of the company is base. In addition, they expect to improve the occupancy of Calp during the low season.

This is the third year in which Calp's Town Council, together witht he private initiative of the town, participates in direct promotion meetings with travel agents from the call centre of this company. The aim is to get them to know about the town and its touristic resources so that they not only include it in their catalogue, but also recommend it to their potential clients.

Last year, this British travel agency brought to Alicante around 200,000 tourists, 8,000 of which spent their holidays in Calp. And now, in this third workshop, they explained they expet to triple that amount and ensure stays during the low season, contributing to make tourism less seasonal.

At the same time, the British company has pointed out that, in order to be able to book stays during the winter months, the accomodation venues have to have a 24-hour reception, a relatively new furniture and open stablishments around the area, for those are the services requested by their customers, a request that Jan Van Parijs himself will let the tourist sector in Calp know.

"This workshop in Leeds has been an absolute success and it proved the hard work performed in the previous two years, for now Jet2com promotes Calp and showed a certain commitment to improve its winter sales," Jan van Parijs explained.

The Department of Tourism also hired with this company an advertisement campaign in the UK for a period of three years, which includes ads from Calp in the inflights - the magazines distributed in their planes-, in the radio stations, in Jet2com's website and in their emails to their clients.

Jet2com, with a yearly sales volume of a billion euros, is currently the second most popular travel agency in the UK. The company, specialised in travel offers with accomodation and transportation at the Costa Blanca, has expanded in the last three years -it has gone from 160 workers to 400.