
Calp has increased occupancy in its hotels during the months of July and August compared to 2015, maintaining an average of 92%, according to oficial figures from Hosbec.

During this time, national tourism has had the leading percentage with 79,2% on average during both months, while foreign visitors reached a 20,7% on average. Geographically, the countries that visit Calp the most are the United Kingdom, Russia, France and Belgium. The forecast Hosbec makes for the first two weeks of September, according to the reservations with hotels from Calp, is that accupancy will be around 91,5%, which means the month begun with a considerable amount of work for the tourism sector. In this sense, the Department of Tourism of Calp, led by Jan Van Parijs, is working to make tourism season-independent and keep hotels active for the whole year.

Calp's hotels are the most popular in the area of la Marina Alta, being the third most popular in the Costa Blanca, just after the ones in Alicante and Benidorm.