
If  you  are  over  60  years  old,  pregnant   or   have   any   of   the   following  diseases:  high  blood  pressure,  diabetes,  cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, cancer   or    immunodeficiency, you  should  avoid  leaving  your  home.  If  you  need  your  medication,  you  can  telephone  900 36 22 36 so that  a volunteer can deliver it to you from the nearest pharmacy.

Elderly  people  with  reduced  mobility can also call  "Protection Civil” and Calp’s  Red  Cross  to  get  medicines  and  food.   Their   contact   numbers   are   647 613 076 and 96 583 16 16.

Calp’s  local  shops  offer  home  delivery  service  or  take  your  order  over  the  phone,  therefore  reducing  the  time  you  spend  in  the  shops.  Check  out  which  shops  offer  this  service  at

If you need a census certificate but  do  not  have  a  digital  certificate, you can do the following

  1. You can process the digital certificate  at  the  Citizen’s  Bureau  office  Monday  to  Friday  from  9:00  am  to  2:00  pm,  by  emailing or by calling 900 20 40 50 or 96 583 36 00.
  2. If for technical reasons the digital certificate cannot be processed, you    can    contact or
  3. If  the  need  for  the  census  certificate  is  urgent  due  to  the  fact  that it cannot wait any further, as an  exception,  you  can  call  in  the  town hall from 9 am to 2 pm from Monday to Friday and you will be seen to in person.

SUMA   Gestión   Tributaria   has  suspended  the  deadlines  for  payment of the rubbish collection and  vehicle  tax  for  the  duration  of the state of alarm.


Maintenance  gymnastics  for  the  elderly:  Every  Tuesday  and  Friday  at  11am  a  video  by  the  physiotherapist   from   the   Civic  Centre  with  exercises  will  be  published   on  Calpe   Residents’   Facebook  page  so  that  you  can  keep fit during this quarantine.

You  can  follow  all  the  information in English from the town hall on the Calpe Residents’ Facebook page.