
The Department of Beaches poured last night tons of sand at the beaches in the town to regain the sandy soil removed in the past storms. The deposited sand comes from an accumulation of sand and algae that the Department has been storing in local plots during the past seasons. This sand has gone through a screening machine which has filtered and treated the sand now going back to the beach. In addition, the Department of Beaches has 5000 tons of sand for future beach regeneration actions.

With this action, the Town Council has been able to make use of its own resources and there was no need to buy the tons of sand required to restore the drop caused by the storms.

The sand pouring process has been carried out during the night to allow people to use the beach, and they have waited until now to do so to avoid further storms.

The council member for Beaches, Jan Van Parijs, who is against using sand from sandpits at the beaches, has praised the work of the technicians from the Department of Beaches, who  "have performed a sustainable and economical procedure that allows us to have sand from the beach itself for restoration when it is required".